Bring Plastic Free July Into Your Morning Routine


Bring Plastic Free July Into Your Morning Routine

We’re halfway through the month of July, and that means the Plastic Free July challenge is almost over! Whether this month you have become more mindful about your plastic use, or have gone full zero waste, we hope that you have taken a few steps to reduce plastic in your daily life.

One of the hardest places to reduce plastic is in the bathroom. From toiletries to toilet paper, we are here to help you with a few tips to have a plastic free morning routine. 


  • Shampoo


Many companies are coming out with plastic free shampoo bars! Much like a traditional bar of soap, shampoo bars are formulated specifically for your tresses. Lush has some great options, along with other plastic free cosmetics. How you present yourself and starting with how you clean yourself is a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. Choosing plastic free shampoo options do wonders for your hair and the environment.


  • Toilet Paper:


Unfortunately, toilet paper is often wrapped in plastic. This little bit of extra packaging and waste can be eliminated by consciously choosing paper wrapped toilet paper instead. Brands such as Who Gives a Crap, and Natural Value do a fabulous job combating this problem. Little efforts such as this go a long way for the planet!



  • Razors:


Razors often come with a plastic handle and a plastic covered blade. Though you probably reuse the plastic handle over and over, they are more likely to break and eventually end up in the landfill. Safety razors last much longer and produce no plastic waste!  



  • Toothbrushes:


One billion plastic toothbrushes are thrown away every year in the United States. Dentists recommended using a new toothbrush 4 times a year. That adds up to over 300 toothbrushes in a lifetime!  Bamboo toothbrushes are a great biodegradable option, and also look way cuter than plastic ones!

Learn how to bring Plastic Free July into your office here.