FloWater Co-Founder / CEO Bio

I wasn’t always a water evangelist.

After college, I wanted to be a pharmaceutical exec, and I worked for a few of the biggest pharma companies in sales and corporate marketing. I quickly learned that I was wired for entrepreneurship and joined a 5-person startup during the dot-com boom and bust (we survived). That solidified my passion for scaling early- and mid-stage companies, a journey that has spanned the last 25 years.

Just as I found my work purpose, my health took a nosedive. I had been a college athlete who worked out often and ate whatever I wanted. Suddenly, I was working long hours, living on sugary, caffeinated crap (and eating the equivalent). My weight ballooned from 225 pounds to 280—and I was only in my early 30s.

As part of a massive health reset, I started with the things that most of us skip: clean eating, good sleep, and drinking a lot of water. It didn’t happen overnight, but by the time I was 40 I was down to 200 pounds and was comfortable running marathons.

We are conditioned to skip the fundamentals and go straight to the shotgun approach of prescription drugs. But nothing is easier or delivers a better ROI than water and hydration.

After I had my physical transformation, I was curious why it was so hard to make that switch from soda to water. As obvious as it is now, it wasn’t until after one of my daughter’s soccer games that the answer crystalized in my mind. As the girls celebrated their win, one of the parents said with a smile, “hey kids grab a ‘crack pipe’ — what flavor do you want?”

Sugary, carbonated drinks hit many of the same receptors as heroin, which is why I often think of Big Soda as liquid heroin dealers. Just like cigarette companies targeted teens, beverage companies armed with vast marketing budgets have programmed us to get hooked on soda at an early age.

When people do drink water, too often it’s bottled, which is creating an environmental nightmare of plastics embedded into our ecosystem and bodies.

What we’re not drinking much of is water from the tap (even though much bottled water is just tap water). When I dug into why, I discovered people don’t like the taste of it and don’t trust it because it is increasingly riddled with microplastics, lead and PFAS.

For me, the solution was clear: we need to use technology to make tap water safe and great-tasting again. And that is what FloWater is doing. Unlike most startups, we’re not looking for a billion-dollar exit; we’re more interested in saving the planet from the next billion plastic water bottles.

We hope you’ll join the movement.

Press / Media Contact Information

Misty Lamb
Crier Communications
310-274-1072 x 251