How Does Reverse Osmosis Work to Purify Water?


How Does Reverse Osmosis Work to Purify Water?

To make water safe for people to drink, it must go through a water treatment process. This varies based on municipality and the kind of filtration you add to your water system if any. Reverse osmosis is one of the more popular methods of achieving clean, potable water. But how exactly does reverse osmosis work? The process dissolves inorganic solids by using water pressure from the tap through a semipermeable membrane.

Reverse osmosis is said to remove 90-99.99% of all contaminants from a water supply. Originally, the purpose of reverse osmosis was to transform saltwater into freshwater and reduce chemicals in water, but with this type of water purification system, there are also drawbacks. The most prevalent is the level of filtration. 

Although it removes a majority of solids and pollutants from water, there is still a percentage that makes its way through, which could contain chemicals and other unhealthy substances in the water. On the other hand, reverse osmosis removes healthy minerals for the body from the water without a way to replace them. This filtration process is responsible for removing elements such as lead, chromium, copper, and radium, but also takes away calcium, magnesium, and potassium. So although reverse osmosis results in filtered water, it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily purified water

In addition to its filtration measures, reverse osmosis takes time to process which means filtered water may not always be readily available when you need it. Although this water treatment provides clean, drinkable water and reduces the need for plastic waste, there is an alternative that can achieve improved filtering results, while also providing the electrolytes the body needs to function at its best. So, here’s the difference between filtered water vs. purified water and the benefits that a purified water alternative comes with.

Purification Alternative to Reverse Osmosis Water

The advanced filtration process of FloWater water sends tap water through seven levels of purification to remove up to 99% of impurities. It also adds in a proprietary blend of essential minerals and a specialized finish for a crisp, clean taste. What’s better is the tanks automatically refill every time water is dispensed, which means no waiting regardless of the volume of people using the system. This feature has made it popular among businesses, gyms, airports, and other organizations looking for a purified water system that can serve a large crowd.

In addition to the sediment and carbon filter to remove solids and impurities from water, the third filter is advanced osmosis. This concept is similar to reverse osmosis filtration in that it uses a semipermeable membrane to remove bacteria, pesticides, and other dissolved solids, but this specific filter is five times more efficient than other methods.

FloWater goes even further in the purification process. The activated oxygen filter sanitizes the system and tanks by introducing a naturally occurring molecule (O3) to the mix. This helps to improve the taste and amount of oxygen in the water. The first four levels of filtration alone supersede the efforts of reverse osmosis, but the key differentiator comes through in the last three filters. 

The alkaline enhancement adds a blend of minerals to the water to balance the pH level of the tap water to help neutralize the body’s acidity. Additionally, the electrolyte treatment adds magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium back to the water. These are typically found in sports drinks and bottled water and are normally filtered out with reverse osmosis. Finally, the coconut carbon filter is what gives the water the great taste that other treatments don’t achieve. It removes any lingering unpleasant tastes and odors to leave behind only fresh, purified water.

Transforming Tap Water Without Taking Away its Original Benefits

Water is essential for everyone. It delivers numerous health benefits and good potable water is easily accessible for most. However, few people drink water straight from the tap without any filtration treatment in place. Many get their hydration from plastic water bottles, while others choose to install a reverse osmosis system as a water source

While both offer clean water compared to what comes straight from the tap, they don’t offer as many benefits as FloWater. Not to mention, the true bottled water cost takes from your wallet and our environment. However, the FloWater advanced purification system filters and gives back. It gives back essential minerals and electrolytes to the filtered water. It also gives back to the environment by eliminating the need for plastic materials. The refill stations are designed to be eco-friendly, easy to use, and able to adapt to a high volume of people. It’s a purified water solution that’s convenient, less costly, and ready to be enjoyed by all. Take advantage of the endless benefits by using our water refill station.

When it comes to water, all filtration is not created equal. While many brands and methods claim to be “purified,” it’s important to know how the purification process works and what else may be removed to achieve clean water. For bottled water, it’s compromising filtration for the sake of the planet and the potential release of plastic chemicals into the water. With regards to reverse osmosis, it means filtering out nearly everything from tap water including healthy elements that can help the body. With FloWater, you don’t have to choose between the different benefits, you can take advantage of them all.

