FloWater’s Touchless Technology in the Workplace


FloWater’s Touchless Technology in the Workplace

Touchless technology is nothing new. Voice recognition and facial recognition have become such a part of the mainstream that we often don’t think twice about it. However, when talking about 2020’s new normal, spurred by the novel COVID-19 pandemic and the desire to be as sanitary and safe as possible, contactless technology is not only useful, but critical. It’s needed in everything we do, particularly when providing a filtered water dispenser for the office.

With limited or zero contact being the wave of the future, FloWater offers a foot pedal, touch-free capability that’s able to serve a crowd of people quickly. This touchless bottle filling station system makes fresh water available for employees and office visitors, while accommodating social distancing and sanitation best practices. 

As everyone continues to adapt to the changing landscape, it’s important to assess the value of implementing touchless technology into the workplace in as many ways as possible. Part of this is understanding how a FloWater Refill Station benefits employees. 

Benefits of Integrating FloWater’s Touchless Technology at Work

There are multiple benefits to integrating FloWater into the workplace. First, its unique technology is in line with what’s needed in today’s world in terms of contact-free options. Second, it encourages employees to stay hydrated. Hydration has always been a key part of maintaining good health within the workplace. It’s a focus now more than ever to promote a healthy immune system. 

Third, it aligns with modern company values of creating sustainable best practices in the office as much as possible. And fourth, it requires a one-time delivery and installation of the system with minimal maintenance going forward.

Touch-Free Water Refills

FloWater’s Refill Station was built with a one-touch fill button to limit contact and minimize the buildup of grime, germs, and dirt. A regular wipe down of the front panels keep it clean and sanitized on the outside. Activated oxygen self-sanitizes the stainless steel tanks on the inside. Taking the design another step forward to adjust to current needs, there’s now the touchless option of refilling your water bottle with the simple push of a foot pedal. 

Simply place your water bottle in the dispensing area and push the pedal to fill. The fill area fits any size of container from a coffee cup to a gallon jug to fill up quickly, possibly only once per work day. It takes under 10 seconds to fill a 24-oz. bottle, which results in a speedy line if everyone decides to fill up at the same time. 

This helps maintain social distancing and allows more people to fill up between meetings and at lunchtime without a crowd forming. Plus, there’s always fresh, cool water available at all times whether you’re the first person in line or the last. The refill station auto-replenishes and always contains seven gallons of purified water on-demand. 

The days of large plastic water jugs and outdated water fountains are over. If you’re relying on plastic jugs, there’s always the chance of water running out before the next shipment comes. It also contributes to the increasing amount of plastic waste overrunning the landfills and polluting the oceans. Plus, with the current delay in deliveries, this option could take even longer. 

Using public water fountains as an option is less sanitary since the spout requires being closer to the mouth of the water container. Furthermore, there’s usually inconsistency with the temperature of the water and speed at which it’s dispensed. FloWater’s Refill Station provides quickness and cleanliness with its sleek design, two factors that are ideal for the workplace. 

Focusing on Employee Health

Having a water station available in the workplace is a must-have. Providing purified, delicious-tasting, chilled water on-demand encourages employees to stay hydrated. Proper hydration allows everyone to feel more alert, focused, and productive. It flushes out toxins from the body and helps boost the immune system. As people return to their offices, it’s important to stay healthy. 

Employees are less likely to drink the recommended eight glasses of water per day if the only options are tap water or bottled water. Not everyone enjoys the taste of tap water and bottled water is costly and produces a significant amount of plastic waste. As a result, employees may be more likely to rely on other beverages to get them through the day like sodas and energy drinks. This can lead to sugar crashes and afternoon slumps. The refill station’s touchless technology allows employees to reduce contact throughout the day while keeping them hydrated.

Giving Back to the Environment

Another benefit of FloWater is that the water station is eco-friendly. Employees care about what their company stands for, and many appreciate practicing sustainability whenever possible. By eliminating the need for plastic water bottles and large plastic jugs in the workplace, this significantly reduces a company’s carbon footprint. Additionally, it limits the amount of trash and/or recycling that needs picked up on a regular basis.

FloWater offers low operational costs, thanks to energy-efficient LED lights and sleep mode to allow the system to conserve energy. There’s no need to turn it on and off on a daily basis. The filters provide a higher level of purification and last longer, often with only one replacement needed per year. This limits direct contact as well. Plus, the station itself is slim and sleek with minimal maintenance required. 

One-Time Delivery and Installation

Investing in FloWater for your workplace requires a one-time delivery and installation by a certified technician versus repeat deliveries of cases of plastic water bottles or water jugs. This limits the number of people in your office and allows you to adjust to a changing headcount of employees as you slowly start reopening. 

Once installed, the refill station can accommodate as many people as you need without worrying about ordering the right amount of supplies for the month. Replacing the filter is usually only needed once a year, which means you’ll have access to fresh, refreshing water whenever and however you begin to welcome your employees back. 

Transforming Tap Water for Healthier Hydration

Unlike other filtered water systems, FloWater offers both quality and the ability to provide for a high capacity of people. It transforms tap water into purified water that’s chilled to a perfect 42 degrees every time it’s dispensed. This attention to detail makes a difference for employees who want their water to taste great. How does it work?

FloWater involves an advanced seven-step purification system. The first is a sediment filter that catches all solid impurities, dirt, dust, rust, and any other large particles that typically make their way into your water. Following that is the carbon filter. This removes smaller particles, such as hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, and heavy metals that leave behind unpleasant odors and tastes in tap water. The third step is advanced osmosis, which eliminates all remaining contaminants like bacteria, lead, viruses, and pesticides by using a semi-permeable membrane.

Once the purification process is complete, it’s time to improve the water with the next three filters, which include activated oxygen, an alkaline treatment, and an electrolyte enhancement. In the fourth step, activated oxygen increases the amount of oxygen available for your muscles and blood, while improving the taste of the water. It also works as a natural sanitizer for the internal system and tanks. 

Next, the alkaline filter adds ten trace minerals that neutralizes the water’s pH level. This alleviates stress off your internal organs that rids the acid from your body that’s caused by factors, such as stress, an unbalanced diet, and environmental impurities. For the last two steps, electrolytes are added to enhance the water. Magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium help you stay energized and hydrated as you make it through the work day

Finally, a coconut carbon filter is the final flourish that gives FloWater it’s distinctive, refreshing taste. It’s a comprehensive process focused on delivering quality of water to satisfy employee expectations. 

Meeting Workplace Needs in the New Normal

The new normal is an ever-changing concept that’s recently been sped up due to health concerns worldwide. However, what is new will once again become routine until there’s need for another shift. The touchless technology of FloWater’s Refill Station already offers a modern solution for employees today. With the addition of the foot pedal, it adapts to what people need with regards to a higher level of sanitation and safety. 

This new design element builds upon the way the refill station already limited the need for contact with the one-touch refill button and speedy refill capabilities. The water station also gives employees the option of going plastic-free at work while still getting the hydration they need. With all of this combined, it fits employees needs on all levels, now in the new normal and for the future. 

In times of uncertainty, it’s nice to have touchless systems in place you can rely on for your everyday needs. Fresh water is an essential resource for workplaces of all sizes and industries. As we continue to move forward with a touchless option in all aspects of our daily lives, FloWater provides a way to allow for fast water refills safely and efficiently as people head back to work in the office.