
Covid-19 and Drinking Water: What’s the Correlation?

The novel coronavirus has shaken up humanity on a global level in a way no one could be quite prepared for. Its effect leads to riskier and oftentimes, more severe consequences for individuals with low immune systems. And, it’s spread has kept the country (and much of the world) indoors as much as possible. It’s important now more than ever to practice healthy habits and keep safe distances from others. Otherwise, it’s all too easy to become vulnerable to this infectious disease and run the risk of putting others in harm’s way as well. 

One of the best ways to support a strong immune system is to stay hydrated with FloWater. There are numerous health benefits of water, such as ridding the body of toxins on a regular basis and keeping a state of balance within the body both physically and mentally. For most, the presence of Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on our mental state, causing heightened anxiety and less quality sleep. The best thing we can do is to preserve our health by following regular health and hygiene protocol. These start with drinking at least eight glasses of water per day, if not more. 

With many of us following stay-at-home orders, it’s easy to rely on other beverages, like coffee or soda, to get through the day rather than drinking the daily recommended amount of water. However, the effects of too much caffeine or added sugar can add to the negative health effects experienced. As for the essential workers who must show up for their jobs, hydration is a top priority for them as well, since they are likely working longer hours with limited or non-existent breaks. 

Regardless of where you are on the spectrum of productivity of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to drink enough water throughout the day and preserve your physical and mental health as much as possible to lower the risk of becoming infected and/or having a severe case of this respiratory disease. This is where a hands free water dispenser can help reduce your contact exposure especially in a public place.


How Staying Hydrated Boosts the Immune System 

In short, water is necessary for survival. It affects every part of the body and proper hydration is required to support good health. Immune cells circulate throughout the bloodstream on the lookout for pathogens and microbes that may cause damage to the body. Drinking water helps to regulate blood flow and normalize blood pressure, allowing the immune system to maintain a strong defense.

Additionally, drinking water helps to protect your body’s organs and tissues, such as the spleen, lymph nodes, and mucosal tissue. The spleen works as an important part of the immune system’s defense by enriching immune cells and activating them to battle blood-borne pathogens. 

Lymph nodes serve as the communication between immune cells and other areas of the body. It’s necessary to keep them protected since they will activate, replicate, and circulate immune cells. Finally, water acts as a barrier to mucosal tissue, which are entry points for pathogens, and immune hubs are located within mucosal tissue like the respiratory system. A body that lacks water lacks the ability to carry out these tasks and weakens the immune system.

Drinking water also carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells and flushes bacteria out of the system. Water is the active component that upholds the body’s natural functions and absorbs what’s needed to keep it healthy and filters out what doesn’t work. Water is not a cure or a treatment for Covid-19 or any other virus, but it is essential to strengthen the immune system, which will help fight against anything that infiltrates the body. 

A healthy immune system decreases the risk of contracting the disease and helps the body to recover faster if a person is infected. Implementing consistent health measures is key to staying safe as this pandemic continues to spread. This is in addition to being stringent about hygiene. Frequently washing hands for at least 20 seconds, social distancing, and sanitizing surfaces on a regular basis are all important steps in stopping the spread of germs and maintaining your health as well.


Other Health Benefits of Drinking Water 

Covid-19 is affecting the health of all even those who have not contracted the disease. It’s causing increased levels of anxiety and decreased level of concentration. It’s caused essential workers to take on extra hours sans breaks or optimal working conditions. Everyone has been forced to make adjustments on various levels due to this pandemic, which has led to a huge impact on the collective health of all. 

Despite the constant adapting that’s required as people learn how to pivot to what seems like a continuously shifting norm, sustaining regular health habits is one constant that should be followed. Drinking water throughout the day is important. In addition to the boost to the immune system and muscle and tissue function, hydration is crucial to cognitive function and energy levels. 

Staying hydrated is also important when exercising since fluid is lost through excessive sweating. Drinking plenty of pure water keeps the body from becoming overheated. It helps to prevent joint and muscle inflammation often associated with working out as well. Since regular exercise is another important aspect of perpetuating a strong immune system, it’s necessary to reap its benefits, while replenishing electrolytes and hydration through drinking FloWater. 

Although it may seem challenging to keep up with even the most basic elements of self-care during this time, drinking water is a small, yet significant way to maintain steady alertness levels and keep body stressors to a minimum. Staying hydrated is not a cure-all, but it’s definitely better to drink plenty of water than go without. The body needs as much help as possible to function at its best, despite the battles it’s facing on a daily basis. 


The Best Water to Drink for Health Purposes

Not all water is created equal. Tap water quality varies between states and municipalities. It’s determined by the frequency of testing, age of pipes and water systems, and the water source. Many states have faced problems providing residents with potable water. As a result, they’ve resorted to supplying bottled water, which has caused a huge environmental issue in addition to keeping residents without an essential need. Waste from single-use plastic bottles is overrunning the landfills and ending up the ocean, disrupting ecosystems. 

The best water to drink for health and wellness purposes is purified FloWater. FloWater removes all traces of contaminants from tap water, while adding in electrolytes and minerals to support the body’s immune system and overall well-being. It does not add any artificial flavorings, sugars, or additives to achieve its great taste. Instead, it relies on the crisp, fresh taste that comes from several levels of filtration, including the use of natural coconut husks.

FloWater’s multi-step filtration system is unique to other water purification systems available. Each step is specifically designed to improve tap water and deliver a cool, refreshing taste every time. The first three filters are focused primarily on purification. 

  • Sediment Filter – Captures suspended solids, dirt, and impurities through a sedi-carbon filter. 
  • Carbon Filter – The second filter absorbs and removes trace particles like chlorine and hydrogen sulfide, a process which also helps to remove any unpleasant tastes and odors. 
  • Advanced Osmosis – Contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other impurities are filtered out through a semi-permeable membrane and is five times more efficient than anything else available on the market. 

After the tap water has gone through the stringent filtration process, the next three steps add back in elements to improve the water quality and make it more enjoyable to drink.

  • Activated Oxygen – The addition of small amounts of oxygen are beneficial for blood flow and muscles and it sanitizes the tanks and internal systems rather than relying on chemicals to clean.
  • Alkaline Enhancement – This unique filter raises the pH level of tap water to neutralize acidity within the body. This alleviates stress on the internal organs that work overtime trying to rid the body of acid that stems from unbalanced diets, stress, and environmental impurities.
  • Electrolyte Enhancement – Get the benefits of electrolytes found in sports drinks without the added sugar and additives. FloWater adds in magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium to the water supply to help support the immune system. 

Finally, the seven filter uses coconut husks to capture any lingering particles, odors, and tastes and deliver crisp, clean filtered water. The best water to drink for health benefits is FloWater because it removes up to 99% of all impurities that’s typically found in tap water and ensures that it is improved upon and delicious to drink. 

If you’re wondering, “does drinking water boost immune system?”, the answer is yes. Maintaining a strong immune system is crucial and only becomes more essential as we age and our immune system becomes weaker. Drinking water on a regular basis is one of the easiest and most impactful ways we can boost our health. It doesn’t stop nor does it contain Covid-19 from spreading, but it does give us control over doing what’s best for our body and keeping the immune system strong.

With as much that’s changing in the world of health today, the one thing that remains constant is the need to drink plenty of purified water. That will continue to be the case even as the heightened alert of Covid-19 subsides. It’s essential that we are giving our health the attention it deserves and re-emphasize our focus on the basic fundamentals that support a strong immune system.


