Your Forest Podcast Episode #100: Recycling is Dead with Raz Razgaitis


Your Forest Podcast Episode #100: Recycling is Dead with Raz Razgaitis

Water security is not something most of us have to worry about in developed countries. But we do have to worry about our footprint when it comes to the water we choose to drink. Plastic water bottles are largely discarded, despite the exhaustive decade-long campaigns to get people to recycle. And much of those that do get recycled end up in our oceans and landfills anyway. We have potable water only steps away, in most of North America, yet we go out of our way to buy single-use plastic water bottles. Why? Flowater is a company that wants to help us fall in love with our tap water again. They were founded on the basis of a fundamental human right: that everyone deserves access to clean, safe drinking water without the environmentally destructive effects of single-use plastic water bottles. The conversation today is one example of how business can make the world a better place.

Listen Here: Your Forest Episode with Raz Razgaitis