FloWater Targets Workplace Accounts With Fully ‘Touchless’, Self-Sanitizing Water Refill Stations


FloWater Targets Workplace Accounts With Fully ‘Touchless’, Self-Sanitizing Water Refill Stations

Denver, Colo. — With the CDC recommending that ‘office building employers, building owners and managers, and building operations specialist’s replace “high-touch communal items,” such as water coolers, in America’s workplaces, FloWater announces the addition of a foot pedal mechanism to its already self-sanitizing FloWater Refill Stations, making them fully ‘touchless.’

FloWater CEO and Co-Founder, Rich Razgaitis, sees a workplace where new-tech, fully ‘touchless’ and self-sanitizing water refill stations replace traditional water coolers. “There is no need for offices, hotels, gyms and retail outlets to return to the expense and plastic waste involved in bringing back the single-use plastic water bottle,” said Razgaitis. “There is a far better and less costly way to provide unlimited and continuous access to clean, purified, and hygienic drinking water for your employees, guests and customers.”

Already in place at the likes of Google, Microsoft and RedBull, the FloWater Refill Stations’ award-winning design and advanced technology include:

  • Advanced Osmosis water purification with filtration pores of approximately 0.0001 microns in size, much smaller than viruses and bacteria (which generally are anywhere from .02 to 1.0 microns in size). Removes up to 99% of all toxins and contaminants in water, including viruses, bacteria, heavy metals like lead and arsenic, chemicals, and microplastics.
  • Ozone-generating devices that disperses consistently throughout the day. Ozone is one of the most potent sanitization mechanisms available and is destructive to bacteria and viruses.
  • ‘Touchless’ activation pedals or soft-touch buttons that are flat and can be easily cleansed and wiped free of contaminants with disinfecting wipes.
  • A large fill area with a fully recessed dispensing nozzle with no bottle contact, eliminating potential cross-contamination from bottle to bottle.
  • Designed for refillable usage only—as opposed to combined bottle-filler / drinking fountain stations.

The FloWater technology also alkalizes and oxygenates the water and adds electrolytes for better hydration. Surveys show a 2-5X increase in water consumption where FloWater Refill Stations are in use and a reduction of 50% for consumption of coffees and sugary drinks. According to the CDC, proper hydration is essential for a healthy immune system to optimize our bodies’ natural defenses for maximum protection against COVID-19. A carbon coconut filter ‘finishes’ the chilled water for a great taste.

FloWater Refill Stations are free-standing and easy to install, connecting to any potable water line within 10’. The new FloWater “Touchless’ foot pedal activation device will be available in July 2020 for both new FloWater Refill Stations and for the over 5,000 units already in place in offices, hotels, stores, gyms, and schools across the country.